Admissions Requirements

Those applying for entry into the master of science in dentistry program as full degree-seeking candidates must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. The Master of Science conferred by the College of Dental Medicine is designed to provide advanced training in research and research methodology and is intended only for students enrolled in one of the College of Dental Medicine postdoctoral programs. Students applying for this program must have accepted admission and matriculated to one of the College of Dental Medicine postdoctoral programs prior to submitting this application.
  2. Applicants are required to submit a letter of interest in this program articulating their career plan, capabilities, special achievements, etc., along with two letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the candidate's aptitude to perform adequately at a graduate level. Applicants are expected to come primarily from the pool of approximately 60 graduate specialty certificate candidates (residents) enrolled each year in advanced education in general dentistry, periodontology, prosthodontics, endodontics, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, operative dentistry, or oral surgery.
  3. Applicants who meet the criteria cited above must complete and submit the application for admission to the program and submit a description of their proposed research projects.