Disease Reporting and Surveillance

All practitioners, healthcare facilities, and laboratories in Florida are required to notify the DOH of diseases or conditions of public health significance under Section 381.0031, Florida Statutes and Chapter 64D-3, Florida Administrative Code (FAC).

Below are resources to surveillance and investigation protocols, including disease-specific Guide to Surveillance and Investigation (GSI) chapters. Each GSI chapter includes a section on disease reporting, the disease or condition and its epidemiology, case definition(s), laboratory testing, case investigation, controlling further spread, managing sensitive situations, and important links and references. All reportable diseases (excluding HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, and tuberculosis) are listed with the required reporting timeframe, case definition, GSI chapter, and case report form.

Please note that many diseases have an electronic extended data screen available in Merlin (Florida’s reportable disease surveillance system) to capture disease-specific risk factors. Paper case report forms (CRFs) are available for these diseases as a tool to assist in case investigation and interview. Some diseases do not have an extended data screen available in Merlin and a paper CRF must be completed and attached to the case in Merlin. Other diseases do not have either an extended data screen or a paper CRF. The requirement for completing the Merlin extended data screen or a paper case report form is listed for each disease.


Florida Administrative Code and HIPAA

Practitioner Reporting

Laboratory Reporting

General Reporting

For additional reporting resources, please contact the Bureau of Epidemiology at (850) 245-4401