Government of Canada to modernize the Investment Canada Act

The government is determined to continue working with Canadian businesses to attract foreign direct investments from partners that share our interests and values. Today’s modernization efforts will further enhance transparency in the ICA national security review process, while ensuring that the government is able to take action quickly where required. The government will continue to do everything it can to see more economic growth and more Canadian jobs, without compromising our national security or interests.


“While our government continues to welcome foreign direct investment, we need to be vigilant and protect Canadian interests. These new amendments will help bring the Act in line with today’s reality, while ensuring we can work at the speed of business. We will continue to work toward an updated ICA framework that ensures Canada’s continued prosperity and, at the same time, continue to act decisively when investments threaten our national security.”
– The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry

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