Frequently Asked Questions: USA PATRIOT ACT Comprehensive Assessment Results

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  1. What is the USA PATRIOT Act and why is it considered an issue related to the privacy and the protection of personal information?
  2. Why is the protection of personal information a priority?
  3. How worried should I be that my personal information could be accessed under the USA PATRIOT Act?
  4. How is it possible for my personal records to be accessible under the USA PATRIOT Act?
  5. If personal information is at greater risk when the information is outside of Canada, why not avoid using suppliers with connections to other countries?
  6. Has there been a case where personal information about a Canadian was accessed under the USA PATRIOT Act?
  7. Is there other legislation similar to the USA PATRIOT Act?
  8. When did the government conduct its review of outsourcing contracts, and what were the results of the review?
  9. What action has the Government taken to downgrade the "Medium to High" risk departments and agencies to a lower risk category?
  10. Were institutions prepared to cope right away with the potential risks identified in the review?
  11. Were any additional practices put into place to further mitigate risk?
  12. Within the federal government, who is responsible for making sure government contracts address the issue of personal information being accessed by foreign laws?
  13. What other measures are federal institutions putting into place to mitigate potential risks?
  14. Who is responsible for protecting my personal information?
  15. Are there any laws that the federal government must follow to protect personal information under its control?
  16. What about the private sector?
  17. Is there an organization in Canada looking out for my privacy rights?
  18. What can I do to protect my personal information?

1.What is the USA PATRIOT Act and why is it considered an issue related to the privacy and the protection of personal information?

2. Why is the protection of personal information a priority?

3. How worried should I be that my personal information could be accessed under the USA PATRIOT Act?

4. How is it possible for my personal records to be accessible under the USA PATRIOT Act?

5. If personal information is at greater risk when the information is outside of Canada, why not avoid using suppliers with connections to other countries?

6. Has there been a case where personal information about a Canadian was accessed under the USA PATRIOT Act?

7. Is there other legislation similar to the USA PATRIOT Act?

8. When did the government conduct its review of outsourcing contracts, and what were the results of the review?

9. What action has the Government taken to downgrade the "Medium to High" risk departments and agencies to a lower risk category?

10. Were institutions prepared to cope right away with the potential risks identified in the review?

11. Were any additional practices put into place to further mitigate risk?

12. Within the federal government, who is responsible for making sure government contracts address the issue of personal information being accessed by foreign laws?

13. What other measures are federal institutions putting into place to mitigate potential risks?

14. Who is responsible for protecting my personal information?

15. Are there any laws that the federal government must follow to protect personal information under its control?

16. What about the private sector?

17. Is there an organization in Canada looking out for my privacy rights?

18. What can I do to protect my personal information?