Tree Trimming and Vegetation Management Information

Click Here for a brochure explaining our shared vegetation responsibilities.

Electric Utility Companies Trim and Remove Trees Near High Voltage Power Lines for Public Safety, Fire Prevention, and Electric Reliability

What Can You Do to Help Limit Vegetation Safety Hazards?

Work together with local utilities when approached with a reasonable request to trim trees in your area. Keep in mind that a failure to allow a utility company to comply with State laws can result in liability to the landowner for damages or injuries resulting from a vegetation hazard. Many insurance companies do not cover these types of damage if the policy owner refused to allow elimination of hazards.

You can also help prevent electric outages, fire, and public safety hazards by following these simple steps:

Contact Us

You can make a difference by acting on this information. If you are interested in knowing more, call the CPUC, CDF, or your local utility. We are here to help!

Additional Information

Laws Governing Vegetation Management: